Show simple item record Andrews, Jeffrey G. Buzzi, Stefano Choi, Wan Hanly, Stephen Lozano Solsona, Angel Soong, Anthony C.K. Zhang, Jianzhong Charlie 2015-04-13T08:34:40Z 2015-04-13T08:34:40Z 2014
dc.identifier.citation Andrews JG, Buzzi S, Choi W, Hanly S, Lozano A, Soong ACK, Zhang JC. What will 5G be? IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 2014 Jun 13; 32(6): 1065-82. DOI 10.1109/JSAC.2014.2328098
dc.identifier.issn 0733-8716
dc.description.abstract What will 5G be? What it will not be is an incremental/nadvance on 4G. The previous four generations of/ncellular technology have each been a major paradigm shift/nthat has broken backwards compatibility. And indeed, 5G will/nneed to be a paradigm shift that includes very high carrier/nfrequencies with massive bandwidths, extreme base station and/ndevice densities and unprecedented numbers of antennas. But/nunlike the previous four generations, it will also be highly/nintegrative: tying any new 5G air interface and spectrum together/nwith LTE and WiFi to provide universal high-rate coverage and/na seamless user experience. To support this, the core network/nwill also have to reach unprecedented levels of flexibility and/nintelligence, spectrum regulation will need to be rethought and/nimproved, and energy and cost efficiencies will become even more/ncritical considerations. This paper discusses all of these topics,/nidentifying key challenges for future research and preliminary/n5G standardization activities, while providing a comprehensive/noverview of the current literature, and in particular of the papers/nappearing in this special issue.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso eng
dc.publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
dc.relation.ispartof IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 2014 Jun 13; 32(6): 1065-82
dc.rights © 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works./nThe final published article can be found at
dc.title What will 5G be?
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.subject.keyword Cellular systems
dc.subject.keyword HetNets
dc.subject.keyword Energy efficiency
dc.subject.keyword Massive MIMO
dc.subject.keyword Millimeter wave
dc.subject.keyword Small cells
dc.rights.accessRights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
dc.type.version info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersion


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