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Browsing Articles (Hospital del Mar Research Institute) by Subject "Yogurt"

Browsing Articles (Hospital del Mar Research Institute) by Subject "Yogurt"

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  • Lago-Sampedro, Ana; García-Escobar, Eva; Rubio-Martín, Elehazara; Pascual-Aguirre, Nuria; Valdés, Sergio; Soriguer, Federico; Goday Arno, Alberto; Calle-Pascual, Alfonso; Castell, Conxa; Menéndez, Edelmiro; Delgado, Elías; Bordiú, Elena; Castaño, Luis; Franch-Nadal, Josep; Girbés, Juan; Chaves, Felipe Javier; Gaztambide, Sonia; Rojo-Martínez, Gemma; Olveira, Gabriel (MDPI, 2019)
    To date it is not clear what the role of dairy products is in metabolic diseases like diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. Therefore, the aim of this study is to test the association between dairy product consumption and ...

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