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Browsing Articles (Hospital del Mar Research Institute) by Subject "E-FACED"

Browsing Articles (Hospital del Mar Research Institute) by Subject "E-FACED"

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  • Barreiro Portela, Esther; Martínez-García, Miguel Ángel; Villa, Carmen; Dobarganes, Yadira; Girón, Rosa; Maíz, Luis; García-Clemente, Marta; Sibila, Oriol; Golpe, Rafael; Rodríguez, Juan; Barreiro Portela, Esther; Rodriguez, Juan Luis; Menéndez, Rosario; Prados, Concepción; Rosa, David de la; Olveira, Casilda; Grupo Español del Registro de Bronquiectasias (RIBRON) (Elsevier, 2021)
    Introduction: The SEPAR Spanish Bronchiectasis Registry (RIBRON) began as a platform for the collection of longitudinal data on patients with this disease. The objective of this study is to describe its operation and to ...

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