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Browsing Grau en Enginyeria de Sistemes Audiovisuals. Treballs de fi de grau by Title

Browsing Grau en Enginyeria de Sistemes Audiovisuals. Treballs de fi de grau by Title

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  • Expósito Ventura, Marta (2014-12-09)
    Given the ubiquitous camera devices at hand for practically everybody and the ease to share media, the amount of video data around us is growing faster and faster. However, navigation systems for these data have not evolved ...
  • Torres Bisbal, Melanie (2015-12-15)
    Recent years have seen an explosion in the popularity and availability of web-based applications that allow direct creation and editing of content (such as documents, photos and video) within the browser. One of the reasons ...
  • Fernandez Garcia, Abel Angel (2015-12-11)
    Hoy en día, existen sistemas de alineamiento automático para sincronizar una interpretación musical con su partitura. Estos sistemas pueden clasificarse como offline, si el alineamiento se hace posterior a la interpretación, ...

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