El canvi climàtic és un problema global causat per l'increment de les emissions de gasos
d'efecte hivernacle, que estan provocant l'augment de la temperatura global amb
conseqüències negatives devastadores. Per aquest ...
Move-to-earn (M2E) is a blockchain-based business model that promotes physical activity through a mobile phone application in exchange for earning digital assets rewards. In this project, the sustainable potential of the ...
Data-to-text NLG consists in converting structured data as found for instance in the Semantic Web (e.g. DBpedia, Wikidata, etc.) into well-formed text in the target language(s). The input to the system is typically a series ...
New technologies, such as full-body Mixed Reality systems, and the affinity that children have for it, have made it possible to develop more engaging and dynamic learning experiences for children with and without autism. ...
This report deals with the Narwhal Engine: an interactive Vulkan-based graphics engine
we developed that renders black holes in real time. Our engine is focused on rendering
Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes, which are ...
Durante los últimos años, ha habido un notable desarrollo de las tecnologías de procesamiento
del lenguaje natural para diversas tareas como la clasificación de textos, extracción de
información y generación automática ...
Low-Code is a rising technique for development which consists in create,
design, and develop software applications with minimal coding or no coding at
all. Its goal is to simplify and speed up the development process, ...
Inherited cardiomyopathies are diseases that have their origin in the myocardium,
where unusual electrical or mechanical functions appear. There are several causes,
however one of the most considered is the genetic factor ...
With the rise of mobile powered XR devices, there is a need to achieve high visual quality
with high frames rate for a comfortable XR experience. But these systems present a
different (tiled) GPU architecture, with its ...
The Bulgarian language has specific phonetics as every other language. Some
specifications make learning the pronunciation of Bulgarian more challenging for second
language learners. Together with all technological ...
Durante los últimos años, los medios sociales han logrado hacerse un hueco en
la sociedad hasta tal punto que es inimaginable pensar en la existencia de un
mundo sin estas plataformas de comunicación en línea. Si bien ...
A programming bug in an Operating System can bring down an entire server
infrastructure and with it the privacy of the actors who depend on that system. In recent
years, many measures have been taken to protect the core ...
Actualment, l'ús de les tecnologies de la informació i les comunicacions (TIC) s'ha estès
en tots els àmbits de la societat. Un exemple és el context educatiu, on recentment la
forçada adopció de l'aprenentatge en línia, ...
El extensivo uso de las redes sociales provoca que puedan aparecer comunidades
peligrosas para determinados colectivos vulnerables. El objetivo de este trabajo es
crear un clasificador de perfiles de Instagram que determine ...
Video games have always moved towards the standardization of control systems. At an
interaction level, the goal of games is to have the best possible user experience, therefore
game controls and mechanics should be easy ...
The purpose of this work is to document the course of a real video game project called
Nelumbo with a multidisciplinary team, facing common problems in a game
development related to the planning and management of the ...
En aquest treball es relata el procés utilitzat per la creació d’animacions web per a la visualització de dissenys d’aprenentatge. El resultat del treball és la creació d’una aplicació web que de forma automàtica transforma ...
A lo largo de este proceso seremos capaces de ver el diseño y desarrollo de dos
versiones de una misma experiencia, las dificultades y las herramientas usadas
para ello. Esta experiencia será usada en un sistema de ...
Interactive graphic applications nowadays, specially in the video game industry, have increased the
demand on realism and plausibility of its images. Until recently, interactive graphic applications
were exclusively in ...
El 31 de diciembre de 2019, la Comisión Municipal de Salud y Sanidad de Wuhan (provincia de Hubei, China) informó sobre la aparición de una nueva enfermedad llamada COVID-19. El impacto de esta enfermedad fue tan grande ...