Treballs de fi de grau, de màster o d'alguna assignatura, realitzats per estudiants de la UPF en l'àmbit de les Teconologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions.
Quadratic maps with complex values exhibit multiple behaviors, ranging from convergence to a fixed point to divergence towards infinity, depending on the complex parameter c and initial conditions. The Julia Set is defined ...
New technologies have triggered a revolution in retail, but personalizing the shopping experience is still a pending issue. Due to indoor limitations, locating individuals inside a commercial area with classical Real Time ...
Timbre is a crucial but elusive feature of music; it originates in the basic physical structure of sound waves but blossoms to touch upon a range of perceptual and social processes that are fundamental to how we derive ...
In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become the big trend in computer science, and many related areas are seeing renewed interest. One of these areas is Generalized Planning (GP), which studies the automated ...
El treball de final de grau se centra a investigar el seguiment de jugadors en el futbol a través de tècniques de visió per ordinador. S’explora l’eficàcia de diversos mètodes de seguiment d’objectes utilitzant el conjunt ...
This thesis had two objectives: the first one was to experiment with an alternative method to statistical machine translation, which had already been researched for Catalan Sign Language (LSC), using state-of-the-art Neural ...
L'ús excessiu i inadequat de les xarxes socials pot propiciar a la propagació d'actituds sexistes i discriminatòries, afectant diversos col·lectius vulnerables. És important reconèixer que aquestes plataformes contenen ...
La Teoría de la Información Integrada (IIT, Integrated Information Theory) es una teoría matemática de la consciencia que busca explicar cómo debe configurarse un sustrato físico para emerger como un sistema consciente. A ...
El canvi climàtic és un problema global causat per l'increment de les emissions de gasos
d'efecte hivernacle, que estan provocant l'augment de la temperatura global amb
conseqüències negatives devastadores. Per aquest ...
Move-to-earn (M2E) is a blockchain-based business model that promotes physical activity through a mobile phone application in exchange for earning digital assets rewards. In this project, the sustainable potential of the ...
Data-to-text NLG consists in converting structured data as found for instance in the Semantic Web (e.g. DBpedia, Wikidata, etc.) into well-formed text in the target language(s). The input to the system is typically a series ...
The importance of involving children in technology design has been emphasized in previous and
recent studies. Moreover, as stated in the literature, the fact that the creativity of children is higher
than that of adults ...
Research has demonstrated that Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) is beneficial in fostering students’ engagement and enhancing their learning outcomes. Consequently, the effect of group settings in learning ...
Plenty of research has been conducted on the role of space in organizing
memories. Recent studies indicate a connection between spatial clustering and
free-recall memory performance. However, the long-term stability of ...
Prosociality refers to behaviors that are intended to benefit others and is, therefore, a key element of a thriving society. Fostering prosocial behaviors in children with Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) can be more ...
Recent research into video game playing (VGP) has produced varied and inconclusive results. Past investigations have indicated potential positive impacts of VGP on cognitive abilities, specifically enhancements in areas ...
In recent years, Deep Learning (DL) models have achieved state-of-the-art performance in automatic segmentation of medical images. However, to obtain good results, large and accurately annotated datasets are required for ...
New technologies, such as full-body Mixed Reality systems, and the affinity that children have for it, have made it possible to develop more engaging and dynamic learning experiences for children with and without autism. ...
A subclass of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), the Linearly solvable Markov
Decision Processes (LMDPs), which have discrete state space and continuous control
space, allow for a significant simplification of the inverse ...
Personalized medicine is a rapidly evolving field to which many resources have been
devoted recently. It represents a paradigm shift from a one-size-fits-all approach
to healthcare, focusing instead on tailoring treatments ...