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Browsing Congressos (Departament de Traducció i Ciències del Llenguatge) by Author "Espeja, Sergio"

Browsing Congressos (Departament de Traducció i Ciències del Llenguatge) by Author "Espeja, Sergio"

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  • Bel Rafecas, Núria; Espeja, Sergio; Marimon, Montserrat (ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics), 2007)
    The work we present here is concerned with the acquisition of deep grammatical information for nouns in Spanish. The aim is to build a learner that can handle noise, but, more interestingly, that is able to overcome the ...
  • Poch, Marc; Bel Rafecas, Núria; Espeja, Sergio; Navío, Felipe (ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics), 2014)
    This paper presents a system for suggesting a ranked list of appropriate vacancy descriptions to job seekers in a job board web site. In particular our work has explored the use of supervised classifiers with the objective ...
  • Marimon, Montserrat; Bel Rafecas, Núria; Espeja, Sergio; Seghezzi, Natalia (ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics), 2007)
    This paper describes work on the development of an open-source HPSG grammar for Spanish implemented within the LKB system. Following a brief description of the main features of the grammar, we present our approach for ...

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