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Browsing Congressos (Departament de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions) by Subject "Theme"

Browsing Congressos (Departament de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions) by Subject "Theme"

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  • Domínguez Bajo, Mónica; Burga Díaz, Alicia; Farrús, Mireia; Wanner, Leo (ELRA (European Language Resources Association), 2018)
    Theoretical studies on the Information Structure–prosody interface argue that the content packaged in terms of theme and rheme correlates with the intonation of the corresponding sentence. However, there are few empirical ...
  • Domínguez Bajo, Mónica; Farrús, Mireia; Burga Díaz, Alicia; Wanner, Leo (ISCA, 2014)
    Several grammar theories relate information structure and prosody, highlighting a major correspondence between theme and rheme, and intonation patterns. Although these theories have been successfully exploited in some ...
  • Domínguez Bajo, Mónica; Burga Díaz, Alicia; Farrús, Mireia; Wanner, Leo (International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), 2018)
    Theoretical studies on the information structure–prosody interface argue that the content packaged in terms of theme and rheme correlates with the intonation of the corresponding sentence as regards to rising and falling ...
  • Wanner, Leo; Domínguez Bajo, Mónica; Soler Company, Juan (ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics), 2020)
    This paper introduces ThemePro, a toolkit for the automatic analysis of thematic progression. Thematic progression is relevant to natural language processing (NLP) applications dealing, among others, with discourse structure, ...
  • Domínguez Bajo, Mónica; Farrús, Mireia; Burga Díaz, Alicia; Wanner, Leo (ISCA, 2014)
    This paper deals with the adaptation of AuToBI annotation for speech synthesis purposes. AuToBI is a tool that automatically determines and classifies the standard ToBI labels for American English. AuToBI annotation is ...
  • Domínguez Bajo, Mónica; Farrús, Mireia; Burga Díaz, Alicia; Wanner, Leo (International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), 2016)
    State-of-the-art prosody modelling in content-to-speech (CTS) applications still uses the same methodology to predict intonation cues as text-to-speech (TTS) applications, namely the analysis of the generated surface ...

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