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Browsing Articles (Departament de Comunicació) by Subject "Grupos discusión"

Browsing Articles (Departament de Comunicació) by Subject "Grupos discusión"

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  • Rodrigo Alsina, Miquel, 1955-; García-Jiménez, Leonarda; Gifreu, Josep; Gómez Puertas, Lorena, 1978-; Guerrero Solé, Frederic; López González, Hibai, 1983-; Medina Bravo, Pilar, 1966-; Pineda Cachero, Antonio; Roca Cuberes, Carles, 1969-; Rodríguez-Polo, Xosé Ramón; Terribas i Sala, Mònica; Ventura, Rafael (Universidad de La Laguna, 2016)
    Introduction. This paper analyzes several Spanish TV news about sexuality, gender, religion and interculturality to explore how these news are interpreted by audiences and experts. Methodology. We have used three complementary ...

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