Browsing by Author "Sahún, Ignasi"

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  • Mellström, Britt; Sahún, Ignasi; Ruiz Nuño, Ana; Murtra, Patricia; Gómez Villafuertes, Rosa; Savignac, Magalí; Oliveros, Juan C.; González, Paz; Kastanauskaite, Asta; Knafo, Shira; Zhuo, Min; Higuera Matas, Alejandro; Errington, Michael L.; Maldonado, Rafael, 1961-; De Felipe, Javier; Jefferys, John G.R.; Bliss, Tim V. P.; Dierssen, Mara; Naranjo, José R. (American Society for Microbiology, 2014)
    Changes in nuclear Ca(2+) homeostasis activate specific gene expression programs and are central to the acquisition and storage of information in the brain. DREAM (downstream regulatory element antagonist modulator), also ...
  • Arranz, Juan; Balducci, Elisa, 1981-; Arató, Krisztina, 1981-; Sánchez-Elexpuru, Gentzane; Najas Sales, Sònia, 1985-; Parras, Alberto; Rebollo, Elena; Pijuan, Isabel; Erb, Ionas; Verde, Gaetano; Sahún, Ignasi; Barallobre, María José; Lucas, José J.; Sánchez, Marina P.; de la Luna, Susana; Arbonés de Rafael, Maria Lourdes, 1959- (Elsevier, 2019)
    Autism spectrum disorders are early onset neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by deficits in social communication and restricted repetitive behaviors, yet they are quite heterogeneous in terms of their genetic basis ...
  • Borralleras Fumaña, Cristina, 1988-; Sahún, Ignasi; Pérez Jurado, Luis Alberto; Campuzano Uceda, María Victoria (Nature Publishing Group, 2015)
    Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by a heterozygous deletion of 26-28 genes at chromosome band 7q11.23. Haploinsufficiency at GTF2I has been shown to play a major role in the neurobehavioral ...
  • Brault, Véronique; Duchon, Arnaud; Romestaing, Caroline; Sahún, Ignasi; Pothion, Stéphanie; Karout, Mona; Borel, Christelle; Dembele, Doulaye; Bizot, Jean-Charles; Messaddeq, Nadia; Sharp, Andrew J.; Roussel, Damien; Antonarakis, Stylianos E.; Dierssen, Mara; Hérault, Yann (Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2015)
    The trisomy of human chromosome 21 (Hsa21), which causes Down syndrome (DS), is the most common viable human aneuploidy. In contrast to trisomy, the complete monosomy (M21) of Hsa21 is lethal, and only partial monosomy or ...
  • Teixeira, Cátia M.; Martín, Eduardo D.; Sahún, Ignasi; Masachs, Nuria; Pujadas, Lluís; Corvelo, André; Bosch, Carles; Rossi, Daniela; Martínez, Albert; Maldonado, Rafael, 1961-; Dierssen, Mara; Soriano, Eduardo (Nature Publishing Group, 2011)
    Despite the impact of schizophrenia and mood disorders, which in extreme cases can lead to death, recent decades have brought little progress in the development of new treatments. Recent studies have shown that Reelin, an ...

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