Browsing by Author "Grau Bové, Xavier"

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  • Grau Bové, Xavier; Sebé-Pedrós, Arnau; Ruiz Trillo, Iñaki (Oxford University Press, 2013)
    The posttranslational modification of proteins by the ubiquitination pathway is an important regulatory mechanism in eukaryotes. To date, however, studies on the evolutionary history of the proteins involved in this pathway ...
  • Levy, Shani; Elek, Anamaria; Grau Bové, Xavier; Menéndez Bravo, Simón; Iglesias, Marta; Tanay, Amos; Mass, Tali; Sebé-Pedrós, Arnau (Elsevier, 2021)
    Stony corals are colonial cnidarians that sustain the most biodiverse marine ecosystems on Earth: coral reefs. Despite their ecological importance, little is known about the cell types and molecular pathways that underpin ...
  • Dudin, Omaya; Ondracka, Andrej; Grau Bové, Xavier; Haraldsen, Arthur A. B.; Toyoda, Atsushi; Suga, Hiroshi; Bråte, Jon; Ruiz Trillo, Iñaki (eLife, 2019)
    In animals, cellularization of a coenocyte is a specialized form of cytokinesis that results in the formation of a polarized epithelium during early embryonic development. It is characterized by coordinated assembly of an ...
  • Grau Bové, Xavier; Subirana, Lucie; Meister, Lydvina; Soubigou, Anaël; Neto, Ana; Elek, Anamaria; Naranjo, Silvia; Fornas Carreño, Oscar; Gómez Skarmeta, José Luis; Tena, Juan J.; Irimia Martínez, Manuel; Bertrand, Stéphanie; Sebé-Pedrós, Arnau; Escriva, Hector (Nature Research, 2024)
    The emergence of new structures can often be linked to the evolution of novel cell types that follows the rewiring of developmental gene regulatory subnetworks. Vertebrates are characterized by a complex body plan compared ...
  • Irimia Martínez, Manuel; Vellutini, Bruno C.; Marlétaz, Ferdinand; Cetrangolo, Viviana; Cvetesic, Nevena; Thiel, Daniel; Henriet, Simon; Grau Bové, Xavier; Carrillo-Baltodano, Allan M.; Gu, Wenjia; Kerbl, Alexandra; Marquez, Yamile; Bekkouche, Nicolas; Chourrout, Daniel; Gómez Skarmeta, José Luis; Lenhard, Boris; Worsaae, Katrine; Hejnol, Andreas (Nature Research, 2020)
    The causes and consequences of genome reduction in animals are unclear because our understanding of this process mostly relies on lineages with often exceptionally high rates of evolution. Here, we decode the compact ...
  • López Escardó, David, 1988-; Grau Bové, Xavier; Guillaumet-Adkins, Amy; Gut, Marta; Sieracki, Michael E.; Ruiz Trillo, Iñaki (Nature Publishing Group, 2017)
    Single-cell genomics (SCG) appeared as a powerful technique to get genomic information from uncultured organisms. However, SCG techniques suffer from biases at the whole genome amplification step that can lead to extremely ...
  • Grau-Bové, Carme; Grau Bové, Xavier; Terra, Ximena; Garcia Vallvé, Santiago; Rodríguez-Gallego, Esther; Beltran-Debón, Raúl; Blay, M. Teresa; Ardévol, Anna; Pinent, Montserrat (Wiley, 2022)
    Bitterness is perceived in humans by 25 subtypes of bitter taste receptors (hTAS2R) that range from broadly tuned to more narrowly tuned receptors. hTAS2R5 is one of the most narrowly tuned bitter taste receptors in humans. ...
  • Grau Bové, Xavier; Ruiz Trillo, Iñaki; Irimia Martínez, Manuel (BioMed Central, 2018)
    Background: Alternative splicing, particularly through intron retention and exon skipping, is a major layer of pre-translational regulation in eukaryotes. While intron retention is believed to be the most prevalent mode ...
  • Grau Bové, Xavier; Sebé-Pedrós, Arnau (Oxford University Press, 2021)
    Possvm (Phylogenetic Ortholog Sorting with Species oVerlap and MCL [Markov clustering algorithm]) is a tool that automates the process of identifying clusters of orthologous genes from precomputed phylogenetic trees and ...
  • López Escardó, David, 1988-; Grau Bové, Xavier; Guillaumet-Adkins, Amy; Gut, Marta; Sieracki, Michael E.; Ruiz Trillo, Iñaki (Royal Society, 2019)
    Understanding the origins of animal multicellularity is a fundamental biological question. Recent genome data have unravelled the role that co-option of pre-existing genes played in the origin of animals. However, there ...
  • Robertson, Helen E.; Sebé-Pedrós, Arnau; Saudemont, Baptiste; Loe-Mie, Yann; Zakrzewski, Anne-C.; Grau Bové, Xavier; Mailhe, Marie-Pierre; Schiffer, Philipp H.; Telford, Maximilian J.; Marlow, Heather (Nature Research, 2024)
    Phylogenetic analyses over the last two decades have united a few small, and previously orphan clades, the nematodermatids, acoels and xenoturbelids, into the phylum Xenacoelomorpha. Some phylogenetic analyses support a ...
  • Najle, Sebastián R.; Grau Bové, Xavier; Elek, Anamaria; Navarrete Hernández, Cristina; Cianferoni, Damiano; Chiva, Cristina; Cañas Armenteros, Didac; Mallabiabarrena, Arrate; Kamm, Kai; Sabidó Aguadé, Eduard, 1981-; Gruber-Vodicka, Harald; Schierwater, Bernd; Serrano Pubull, Luis, 1982-; Sebé-Pedrós, Arnau (Elsevier, 2023)
    The assembly of the neuronal and other major cell type programs occurred early in animal evolution. We can reconstruct this process by studying non-bilaterians like placozoans. These small disc-shaped animals not only have ...

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