Browsing by Author "Celma Herrada, Òscar"

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  • Celma Herrada, Òscar; Herrera Boyer, Perfecto, 1964-; Serra, Xavier (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2006)
    In this paper we present the music information plane and the dfferent levels of information extraction that exist in the musical domain. Based on this approach we propose a way to overcome the existing semantic gap in ...
  • Martínez, Elena; Celma Herrada, Òscar; Sordo, Mohamed; de Jong, Bram; Serra, Xavier ([Sound and Music Computing], 2009)
    This paper presents an in–depth study of the social tagging mechanisms used in, an online community where users share and browse audio files by means of tags and content–based audio similarity search. We ...
  • Sordo, Mohamed; Gouyon, Fabien; Sarmento, Luís; Celma Herrada, Òscar; Serra, Xavier (Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2013)
    Music folksonomies include both general and detailed descriptions of music, and are usually continuously updated. These are significant advantages over music taxonomies, which tend to be incomplete and inconsistent. However, ...
  • Celma Herrada, Òscar; Massaguer, Jordi; Cano Vila, Pedro; Gómez Gutiérrez, Emilia, 1975-; Gouyon, Fabien; Koppenberger, Markus; García, David (International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), 2005)
    MUCOSA (Music Content Semantic Annotator) is an environment for the annotation and generation of music metadata at different levels of abstraction. It is composed of three tiers: an annotation client that deals with ...
  • Celma Herrada, Òscar (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2011-04-12)
    Avui en dia, la música està esbiaixada cap al consum d'alguns artistes molt populars. Per exemple, el 2007 només l'1% de totes les cançons en format digital va representar el 80% de les vendes. De la mateixa manera, només ...
  • Sordo, Mohamed (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2012-04-03)
    El consum de la música ha canviat dràsticament en els últims anys. Amb l’arribada de la música digital, el cost de producció s’ha reduït considerablement. L’expansió de la Web ha ajudat a promoure l’exploració de molt ...
  • Herrera Boyer, Perfecto, 1964-; Bello, Juan Pablo; Widmer, Gerhard; Sandler, Mark; Celma Herrada, Òscar; Vignoli, Fabio; Pampalk, Elias; Cano Vila, Pedro; Pauws, Steffen; Serra, Xavier (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2005)
    The SIMAC project addresses the study and development of innovative components for a music information retrieval system. The key feature is the usage and exploitation of semantic descriptors of musical content that are ...
  • Bonada, Jordi, 1973-; Celma Herrada, Òscar; Loscos, Àlex; Ortolà, Jaume; Serra, Xavier; Yoshioka, Yasuo; Kayama, Hiraku; Hisaminato, Yuji; Kenmochi, Hideki (International Computer Music Conference, 2001)
    This paper presents an approach to the modeling of the singing voice with a particular emphasis on the naturalness of the resulting synthetic voice. The underlying analysis/synthesis technique is based on the Spectral ...
  • Park, Juyong; Celma Herrada, Òscar; Koppenberger, Markus; Cano Vila, Pedro; Buldú, Javier M. (World Scientific Publishing, 2007)

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