Browsing by Author "Adamowski, Tomasz"

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  • Fayyad, John; Sampson, Nancy A.; Hwang, Irving; Adamowski, Tomasz; Aguilar Gaxiola, Sergio; Al-Hamzawi, Ali; Andrade, Laura Helena; Borges, Guilherme; Girolamo, Giovanni de; Florescu, Silvia; Gureje, Oye; Haro Abad, Josep Maria; Hu, Chiyi; Karam, Elie G.; Lee, Sing; Navarro Mateu, Fernando; O'Neill, Siobhan; Pennell, Maria Piazza; Posada Villa, José; ten Have, Margreet; Torres, Yolanda; Xavier, Miguel; Zaslavsky, Alan M.; Kessler, Ronald C.; Alonso Caballero, Jordi (Springer, 2017)
    We previously reported on the cross-national epidemiology of ADHD from the first 10 countries in the WHO World Mental Health (WMH) Surveys. The current report expands those previous findings to the 20 nationally or regionally ...

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