Benvinguts al Repositori Digital de la UPF
El repositori institucional recull, difon i preserva la producció intel·lectual en format digital que resulta de l’activitat acadèmica i investigadora de la UPF, les revistes científiques i les publicacions institucionals. La seva finalitat és contribuir a augmentar l’impacte de la investigació feta a la UPF i preservar la memòria intel·lectual de la UPF.
Enviaments recents
Smulders, Sarah
This Thesis contains a legal analysis of the judgment of the 23rd of December 2023 on the Super League. It will specifically discuss the role of the UEFA over the years and how it has grown into the dominant position it ...
Abisambra Bernal, Evelyn
En este documento se presentan algunas prácticas de ambush marketing o marketing de emboscada y se realiza un análisis jurídico de estas estrategias para determinar si las mismas pueden ser consideradas como actos de ...
Gutiérrez García, Sara
Faced with attacks in certain EU states against the rule of law and which affect judicial independence, the Court of Justice of the European Union has been swamped by a series of preliminary questions where Member States ...
Juliachs Torroella, Gisela
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a zoonotic virus that causes acute hepatitis with increasing incidence in humans in Europe which is mainly transmitted by the consumption of undercooked pig meat. Zoonotic genotypes HEV-3 and ...
Kussy, Angelina; Comas-d'Argemir, Dolors
(Wiley, 2024)
There have been plenty of interpretations regarding the meaning and function of sacrifice within the discipline of anthropology. Going beyond sacrifice as a ritual and exploring a wide range of its manifestations and ...
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