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The UN’s sustainable development goal 1 in China: the Chinese poverty reduction in the last decades

The UN's Sustainable Development Goal 1 pledges to eradicate poverty; China began this path four decades ago, and nowadays millions benefit from it. This achievement can be attributed to a diverse strategy involving economic growth, social policies, and targeted interventions. The Chinese government's unwavering commitment to addressing poverty has contributed to narrowing the gap between rural and urban areas and enhancing the living standards for disadvantaged communities. China's efforts to eradicate poverty have, however, faced and created several obstacles and contradictions, such as a polarised society with regional disparities, environmental sustainability concerns, a requirement for long-term employment opportunities, especially in rural areas and high interventions and control. The purpose of this research project is to examine the aforementioned poverty eradication initiatives and constraints, in addition to focusing on the Chinese middle class and the city of Shanghai as additional lenses through which to understand the process.

(2024) Albacete Parra, Ingrid